Planets In Astrology

In Astrology there are nine planets i.e. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Out of these Rahu and Ketu, have no physical bodies. In astrology, it is presumed that these planets influences the individual life. The planetary influence is interpreted in horoscope by looking into the signs in the horoscope and the planets placed in those signs.
Sun In Astrology:
Sun is the lord of Leo sign .It signifies Father, conscience, soul, temperament, health, vitality, reputation and wealth. If Sun is powerful in a native’s horoscope, then the person is bound to get luxuries, comforts, honors, fame, health and power. Sun makes a native kind. The native is sympatric and have empathy towards others. If Sun is afflicted, then native may be egoistic and boastful. He is liable to misuse his powers. Sun has ownership of Kritika, Uttaraphalguni and Uttarashada nakshatra.
Moon In Astrology:
Moon is the lord of Cancer sign. Moon signifies mother and mind. It influences mind the most. The more powerful moon, more the physical and mental strength of the native. Auspicious moon makes a person sensitive and kind towards other. Afflicted or weak moon makes one moody, restless and over sensitive. Moon has ownership of Rohini, Hasta and Shravana nakshatra.
Mars In Astrology:
Mars has lordship of Leo and Scorpio signs. Mars influences property, land, fire, aliments, theft, brother and state related factors. Powerful position of Mars in horoscope makes native get leadership qualities, courage, progress, properties and love from brothers. If Mars is afflicted and inauspicious then the native is dishonest, impulsive and cruel by nature. Mrighira, Chitra and Ghanishtha Nakshtra are under Mars ownership.
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