How To Predict About Spouse In Astrology
Although Spouse’s prediction in astrology has the influence of multiple factors such as the sign of 7th house, Lord of 7th house and its position in the horoscope, planetary Aspects on the 7th house and the planet placed in 7th house.
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Spouse Profession In Astrology
In astrology, spouse profession can be predicted from the Lagna chart and navamsa chart.
Spouse’s Profession On The Basis Of Navamsa Chart In Astrology
For determining the spouse profession, check your 4th house, which is the profession house of your partner as its 10th from 7 house.
Age Of Spouse Astrology
It is difficult to give exact prediction of age difference with birth chart. However, there are certain combinations in vedic astrology which indicates age difference with spouse.
Chances Of Younger Spouse In Astrology
If Moon is connected with the 7th house, 7th lord house lord or is Nakshatra lord then the native may get younger spouse.
Chances Of Elder Spouse In Astrology
If Saturn is connected with 7th house,7th house lord or nakshatra lord then it gives elder or mature spouse.
These combinations give indications of age of spouse in astrology. However, to be sure position of Venus and Jupiter also need to be checked.